Northumbria in the North East of England
We hope that you find useful and interesting information on our website. Please explore the different pages starting with the tabs (About, Members, Networks, Committee, Events, etc) that can be seen at the top of each page.
The website contains many links to other places both on this website and to external websites. These are highlighted using underlined blue text or a large blue button. Just click to use this feature, but remember to use your browser's back arrow to get back to where you started from, although many links open in a new browser tab.
On the Members page you will find links to all the u3as in the region.
In addition to this website we also have a Facebook page: nru3a facebook
Not yet a member of u3a? Then have a look at the Join a u3a page of the National website.
Latest Notices
Our Committee
Threads through Creation
at Hexham Abbey on 7th November 2024
Sign-up for Next Regional Meeting
The next Regional Meeting is on 8th October, see Meetings page for details
The photo at the top of the page is of Seaton Sluice